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디미뜨리에 깐떼미르(Dimitrie Cantemir)의 『몰도바 기술(記述)(Descriptio Moldaviae)』 (1714-1716) 해체하기

Deconstructing of Dimitrie Cantemir’s 『Description on Moldova(Descriptio Moldaviae)』(1714-1716)

  • 47

루마니아 역사에서 디미뜨리에 깐떼미르는 정치는 실패했지만, 그 실패로 인해 루마니아인문학의 창시자가 되었다. 그의 오랜 염원이었던 고국 몰도바의 군주에 올랐으나 오스만튀르크로부터의 독립은 실패했고, 러시아로 망명해야 했다. 그리고 살아서 다시는 돌아갈수 없는 그의 ‘빠뜨리아’, 모국을 기록하기 시작했다. 1711년을 기준으로 깐떼미르의 행보와관심사가 나뉘는데, 이스탄불에서 어문학과 철학에 집중했고, 러시아에서는 기록과 연대기에 열정을 쏟았다. 􀀀몰도바 기술􀀁은 18세기 초에 쓰인 것이지만, 루마니아 문헌의 역사에몇 안 되는 귀중한 자료이다. 역사는 지난 시간 속의 영광스러운 순간과 국민의 모습을 반영해주는 깨끗한 거울과도 같다는 비유를 통해서 깐떼미르는 이 기술서의 가치를 증명했다. 조국에 대한 사랑을 표현하기 위해 기록한 이 책의 모든 내용은 작가가 오랜 동안 볼모 생활과 망명 생활을 하면서 썼다고 볼 수 없을 정도로 상세하고 정확하다. 몰도바의 지리를 기술서의 맨 앞에 위치해 18세기 초 몰도바의 존재와 위치에 관해 자료나 정보가 부족했던 유럽에 자신의 모국을 설명했다.

Even though Cantemir failed at politics in rumanian history, this failure turned into rumanian humanities. His life-long wish came true when he be came a Moldovan ruler, he attempted to be free from Ottoman Turks but failed at it and exiled to Russia. He started to write about his fatherlatiesnd, where he could not return alive .At the year of 1711 his attention and acts changed from linguistics and philosophy when in Constantinople to the annals when in Russia. 『Description on Moldova』 was written at early 18 century, but it is very valuable material in rumanian history of documents. Any scholar who studies rumanian humanities needs this document to know about ancient Dachian myths and customs. Cantemir verified this book’s value by the metaphor that history is like an clear mirror which reflects the glorious moments of history and the images of the people. The contents of this book which was written about his love for his homeland is very accurate and detailed considering his long hostaged and exiled periods. He explained the location and presence of his fatherland, Moldova by putting the geography of Moldova at the foremost part of the book to let the ignorant Europeans to know his country. He mentioned Dacian kingdom, Trajan, Dragosh repeatedly so that as a first monarch of Moldovan republic, he emphasized the identity of Moldova as a roman descendants, who were formed from the union of dacian and roman people. As he was a monarch from royal family, he stressed on the ruler’s role in monarch’s election and resignation. He also wrote about his country’s formation of the people and the important annual events and marital’ burial ceremony. He dreamt of his country’s independence by being a monarch and stabilizing it even though he was a hopeless hostage. He made a detailed description about Moldova’s state affairs and it’s people as if he had been a monarch of it for a long time. Records about Sanziene which is a main material of rumanian oral literature and Zburator which is one of the 4 major myths is essential for those scholars who study Romanian humanities. He verified his book by founding out that Moldovan(Romanian) language originated from Latin and these two languages were very similar.(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 『몰도바 기술』의 의의

Ⅲ. 『몰도바 기술』 해체하기

Ⅳ. 맺는말
