최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

매스 미디어의 여가 관광 담론 분석

A Discourse Analysis of Leisure and Tourism in Mass Media

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Based on Michel Foucault’s works on power theory, this study analyses leisure and tourism discourses appeared in mass media. Mass media both provides informations and knowledges to their reader and produces discourses, which contribute to evoking modern topics to think about. In this context, authors analyze mass mediated leisure and tourism discourse of editorials appeared at major daily newspapers, Chosun Ilbo and Hankyore for ten years, from 1993 to 2002. The research questions are: how do the mass media construct leisure and tourism issues in editorials and what is the difference between the newspapers? what are the effects of leisure and tourism discourses on making modern subject? Finally this study suggests several research problems that should be further solved.

I. 서론

II. 알튀세와 푸코의 담론 이론

III. 매스 미디어와 여가 관광 담론

IV. 연구방법론

V. 매스 미디어의 여가 관광 담론 분석

VI. 결론

