최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

관광개발의 규제완화 및 지원정책과 개발성과간의 관련성

Do Deregulation and Financial Support of ent Stimulate Tourism Development?

This study examined the effects of tourism policy of deregulation and financial support to find out if these policies help local tourism development and create desirable environment in the tourist areas. This study focused on two main research objectives: first, to examine the nature of the effect of these two policies on local tourism development and second, to investigate whether these two stimulation policies were correlated. For this empirical investigation, using convenient sampling method, data were collected from a survey targeting public officers and officers in public corporations, who are involved with tourism development policy. The results of the study suggested different effects from two different policies. More specifically, first, a moderate level of correlation between deregulation policy and support policy was found. Second, the difference of the effect of policies between the social and industrial deregulation in terms of each type was found in the areas of cost reduction, market expansion, investment incentive, and project support. Therefore, it was concluded that the effect of deregulation for tourist complex area exists in Korea.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경

III. 연구의 설계

IV. 실증분석과 결과 해석

V. 결론

