The purpose of this study was to investigate the motivation among Korean birdwatching tourists to segment these markets based on participants’ motivation, and to identify attributal dimensions of preferred birdwatching facilities and settings. Data were collected from 429 participants from Chonsoonman Birdwatching Tour, the most popular birdwatching tours in Korea. A factor analysis delineated four dimensions of motivation related to birdwatching. The results of this study also showed that there are three dimensions of prefered birdwatching facilities and settings. Based on the visitor’s motivation to participate in birdwatching, cluster analysis was conducted for market segmentation. The result of the analysis identified three distinctive segments in the Korean birdwatching tourism market; family seekers, multi purpose seekers, and birdwatching seekers. Based on the results of this study, some practical implications were suggested from development and marketing perspectives.
I. 서론
II. 선행연구의 검토
III. 연구방법
IV. 분석결과
V. 요약 및 토의