This paper was examined on the legal environment of accidental losses in restaurant service, and it was measured how well foodservice workers in restaurant industry understand the law coveringthose accidental losses. A review of the casesin previous researches, precedents, interviews, and internet portal sites showed that the accidental losses in restaurant service were classified into 11 types as follows; losses of personal belongings with posted warning, losses of personal belongings without posted warning, injuries in a restaurant with posted warning, injuries in a restaurant without posted warning, injuries while eating, food poisoning, injuries from defective tableware, allergic reactions, illegal or unsanitary food supplies, and false labeling of countries of origin. A survey was conducted for the study in July of 2005, and 169 questionnaires were collected. The results of descriptive analysis have proved that the respondents had little understanding on the responsibility of accidental losses and its applicationsof the law. The results suggest that the integrated law extending over a wide range of the cases in food service industry should be promulgated.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 고찰
III. 연구설계
IV. 실증분석
V. 결론 및 시사점