최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

호텔외식산업관련 실습강좌 교육품질 평가 척도 개발

A Scale for Measuring Quality of Practical Class in Hotel & Food-service Industry

  • 4

This study has been attempted to develop a scale for measuring quality of practical class in hotel & food-service education. In order to develop customer-oriented evaluation scales, plenty of service marketing researches have been applied on this piece. The scales are discriminated from former education service quality scales, in that quality process and quality outcome have been equally considered. Also, this study reports the procedure of developing a scale for measuring quality of practical class. First, the authors reviewed basic articles in the field of service marketing, especially service quality theory. Second, four steps of empirical efforts (Field observation, Focus group interview, Item evaluation by discriminated group and statistical analysis) are conducted. As a result, a scale for measuring quality of practical class, consisting of 19 items (3 dimensions: educational environment, educational process, and educational performance), has been developed. The implications of the result are discussed, and ideas for future work are also suggested.

I. 서론

II. 연구의 내용과 방법

III. 결론

