Using content analysis this study endeavors to examine 162 articles on festival and special event form 1995 to 2004 appeared in 13 Korean tourism-related periodicals. The findings are as follows; 1) 23.5% of the total articles did not applied marketing approach but cultural approach. 2) articles presented hypotheses were only 15.4%, even though the statistical approach of articles were much over 50%. 3) various statistical methods such as ANOVA, factor analysis, t-test and regression were used, 4) over 90% of the sample-relied articles used only nonprobability sampling, relying on horizontal method. Authors hope that this paper could contribute to tourism researcher who would like to involve in festival and special event study.
I. 서론
II. 선행연구의 고찰
III. 연구 설계
IV. 분석결과
V. 결론