Tourism as one of rural growth engines is destined to adapt to current market mechanisms which are becoming extremely competitive and dominated by communication and promotion techniques. One need to know what and how tourists to rural settings seek their benefits in segmented market. Authors endeavors to segment and profile the benefits of rural tourists so as to provide better policies for rural tourism in Korea. A self-administered survey was obtained from 252 rural tourists in the study area. Five distinct segments were identified based on the benefit sought; passive rural tourists(16.9%), rural-centric tourists(26.0%), want-it-all tourists(24.4%), souvenir seekers (19.8%), and novelty seekers(12.8%), These were profiled with respect to socio-demographics and trip-related features.
I. 서론
II. 추구편익 시장세분화
III. 연구방법
IV. 연구결과
V. 결론