This paper is to reconstruct the sociology of Erik Cohen logically, one of the founders in the field of tourism sociology. To do this his original writings on diverse issues have been closely scrutinized. Results show that sociologists such as Eisenstadt, Ben-David and Talmon have significantly influenced on the Cohen's theoretical and methodological point of view. In addition, tourism scholars such as Boorstin, MacCannell, Graburn, and Buck and their works also have influenced upon Cohen's interests in diverse aspects of modern tourism. In terms of research topics, results also show that Cohen's sociology of tourism has been shifted five times. Based on the review of the development process of Cohen's works, evaluation of his contributions has been suggested.
I. 서론
II. 연구방법
III. 코헨의 생애와 知的 背景
IV. 코헨 관광사회학의 전개과정
IV. 요약 및 논의