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KCI우수등재 학술저널

로젝의 사회형식주의 여가론 비판에 대한 고찰

A Review of Critics on Rojek’s Leisure Theory of Social Formalism: His Capitalism and Leisure Theories

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Chris Rojek’s theoretical challenge on leisure theory is getting debating topic in a field of contemporary leisure study. This is to critically review Rojek’s criticism of the leisure theory of ‘social formalism’. Main focal point of this review is to examine the appropriateness of his key arguments and criticisms. For this purpose, authors trace and summarize historical development of hitherto overall leisure theory and Rojek’s works to identify their contributions and limitations. By a critical examination on his idea, authors found his distinctive contribution to theoretical development in a sociology of leisure, which is made on his attempt to open the debate of theoretical paradigm. However, authors also identified his fallacious points, which turned up in his criticism on key concepts of social formalists’ studies.

I. 서론

II. 여가이론 발전과정에 대한 논의

III. 사회형식주의 여가연구에 대한 로젝의 비판과 논점

IV. 결론 및 시사

