최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

국내외 호텔기업의 정보기술활용 수준과 서비스품질 및 경영성과 간의 관계비교

Comparison between Effect of Using of IT, Service Quality and Performance: Perception of the Employees' Information Level in Luxurious Hotels

  • 7

This paper examines effect of informationization on hotel service quality and performance, showing how important the informationization in a hotel is. Authors surveyed some domestic and overseas luxurious hotels, where writers collected questionaires during May to July, 2003. According to the survey authors found: First, there is a close relation between informationization and service quality. Secondly, informationization is closely related with the hotel performance. Thirdly, the level of employees' perception for the importance of informationization, service quality and performance in a hotel is different between Cheju and Tokyo luxury hotels. In conclusion, writers argue that to maximize service quality and performance efficiency in a hotel, a balanced informationization is important.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경

III. 조사 및 분석방법의 설계

IV. 실증분석과 분석결과의 해석

V. 결론 및 시사점

