최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

관광기본법의 개선방향과 추진방안

The Improvement Plan for Tourism Basic Act: The Case Research into the Bill of National Tourism Basic Act of Japan

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The aim of this article is to suggest a direction for the improvement of Korean Tourism Basic Act. The focus of this research is placed on the new direction of tourism law system and the restructuring of Tourism Basic Act. The analysis shows that the present tourism laws have not caught up with the rapid changes in tourism policy environment. Tourism Basic Act has rarely changed since it was established, so it fails to meet the demands and reflect major issues, such as values of international tourism, coordination of government tourism policies, sustainable development principle, and tourism cooperation between North and South Korea. Based on these findings, this research suggests following restructuring plans for tourism law improvement. Firstly, Tourism Basic Act should be totally changed in both form and contents. Secondly, values and spirits of international tourism-related declarations should be reflected in Tourism Basic Act. Thirdly, Tourism Basic Act should be a guideline for future tourism policy, such as rural tourism, ecotourism, sustainable tourism, and education tourism. Finally, Tourism Basic Act should be restructured for balanced development of inbound, outbound, and domestic tourism in Korea.

I. 서론

II. 관광기본법의 특성과 문제점

III. 사례연구: 한․일간 관광기본법의 비교분석

IV. 관광기본법의 개선방향과 추진방안

V. 결론

