This article examined the space of Marché aux puces and Foire in France. This study was to explore the reality and meaning of Foire and Marché aux puces as a new cultural and leisure space since they are no longer places only for specific people such as seller and consumer, but places providing function and meaning of leisure and cultural space for both tourists and the local residents alike. Field work, one of the most often used qualitative research methods, was conducted for spatial analyses of Marché aux puces and Foire. Various techniques were employed to collect the qualitative data, including videotaping, personal interviews, observation, and other ethnographic approaches. The results suggested four major functions of the space as follows: 1) as a space for recycling 2) as a tourism place, 3) the function of new weekend leisure place 4) as a new community. This study may shed light on the future development of cultural spaces in the cities of Korea.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 고찰
III. 연구 접근 방식
IV. 사례 연구
V. 결론과 시사점