Lengkeek asserts that the love to a place is akin to the love between persons. In this study it was confirmed that tourist activity of Mt. Taesan in China is same as the love affairs between persons. There are the same tensions as those between man and woman who are in love, which are the tensions between the continuity and discontinuity in the activity of touring Mt. Taesan: the tension of the vehicle, the tension of the riding cable-car etc. Also there are the same tensions as those of persons who are in love, which are the tensions between the out-there-ness and in-here-ness in the activity of touring Mt. Taesan: the tension whether the visit is opposed to the intention of the Heaven, the tension of meeting the King of Heaven of Taoism etc.
I. 머리말
II. 연구방법과 태산관광 모습
III. 사랑의 단계와 관광객 태도간의 유사성
IV. 태산관광의 긴장요소
V. 맺음말