최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

도보산책자와 ATV이용자간의 레저갈등 유발요인에 대한 연구

Determining Factors for Recreation Conflicts between Walking Visitors and ATV Riders

  • 2

Visitor complaints due to the recreational ATVs(All Terrain Vehicles) have been a major management issue in Bomoon tourist complex in Gyeongju. This kind of problem has been known as recreation conflicts in leisure studies, and the most widely adopted conceptualization has been offered by Jacob and Schreyer(1980) known as goal interference theory. To examine the recreation conflict experienced by different recreationist groups, walking visitors and ATV riders, two sets of questionnaire was prepared to examine the inter-group conflicts. Logistic regression analysis was performed using sixteen variables to determine the important conflict inducing factors. While the result revealed five and three inter-group conflict factors for walkers and ATV riders respectively, the former group reported greater conflict than the latter.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 고찰

III. 연구가설 및 방법

IV. 분석결과

V. 결론

