최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

외식소비자의 LOHAS성향이 건강외식지향과 건강메뉴 주문행동에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Lohas Tendency of Dining-out consumers on Wellness and Ordering Behavior of Healthful Menu

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This study was conducted to introduce an advanced well-being trend called ‘LOHAS consumption trend’ from restaurant customers’ perspective regarding a local restaurant industry. The main purpose of the study is to prove whether ‘LOHAS consumption trend’ realistically affects a primary factor of purchase. The survey was conducted through 400 respondents who have experienced dining out before and 355 faithful responses out of 400 were selected for practical study. It is considered that the result of this study contributes to academic world from two extensive points of view. One is that this study was conducted without any previous studies on ‘LOHAs’, and was performed to arrange ‘the concept of healthy menu’ in the stream. Another one is that this research proved the influence of ‘LOHAs’ on the consumers’ propensity towards healthy dining out, healthy eating behavior and with the tendency of ordering healthy menu. As indicated for the future project, trends towards healthy menus are created by diverse customer’s preferences. Therefore, this study suggests to consider the diverse variables such as taste, price, atmosphere, eating habits, etc. relevant to the selection of healthy menu for the future study. Furthermore, this research mainly focuses on customer’s behavioral aspects by taking an approach based on Wilkie (1994)’s theory from Consumer Information Process (CIP), which limited theoretical frameworks of the study.

I. 서론

II. 선행연구고찰

III. 조사 및 분석방법의 설계

IV. 분석결과

V. 결론

