As eDMS(e-business based DMS), a kind of collaborative network system, has emerged as a key destination marketing tool, the need for eDMS adoption in CVB(Convention and Visitors Bureau) has also been increased. In this context, this study proposed an exploratory research model to analyze how staffs-in-charges of CVBs perceive the general concept of eDMS, the necessity and feasibility of eDMS adoption. The finding indicated that they recognized the necessity of eDMS adoption but they doubted the feasibility of eDMS adoption. There seemed to be significant differences between the necessity and the feasibility of eDMS adoption. Major reasons are weak cooperation among participant companies, lack of innovativeness of CEO, lack of information system experts, and difficulties in system integration and data standardization. The results also showed that eDMS would positively influence on both organizational efficiency and cooperation-building among convention service providers. The analysis revealed that the core factors of the successful adoption of eDMS are system integration and positive participation of CVB members.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구분석모형과 연구조사방법
IV. 사례분석 결과
V. 결론