This paper reviews methodologies which assess the rank of output multiplier of tourism sector significantly higher than conventional approach. Seo and Sohn(2001) identified tourism industry within input-output table, by creating the column and row vectors which are related to tourism activities. But, it is turned out that output multiplier of tourism sector is over-estimated in the new model. Ji(2007) adopted Ritz-Spaulding multiplier analysis, and claimed that the service industries have advantages over manufacturing industries with respect to the magnitude of multipliers. RS model can be used to measure the impact of a change in gross output(instead of final demand) for a particular sector into gross outputs of the other sectors. But, it is confirmed that the RS multipliers are very sensitive to diagonal elements of Leontief inverse matrix. The latter model can only be effective for small regions with supply constraints.
I. 서론
II. 관광활동을 내생화시키는 방법
III. Ritz-Spaulding 승수(생산승수)
IV. 요약 및 결론