It is not an exaggeration to say that our society is already one of disputes. Since circa 2010, the average number of lawsuits filed every year is upwards of six million cases, and resolving disputes through trials is already fully saturated. The functional roles of the court reflect that there are many lacking areas such as systems, tools, and procedures related to social integration. In addition, ADR, which is carried out in advanced capitalist nations to supplement the judicial functions, has also been implemented in our society for the past 60 years. However, for the reason why the usage rate of ADR did not increase for legal consumers, we cannot overlook government activities that did not make sufficient promotions related to the lack of awareness. In Korea, ADR is mainly composed of government-initiated types, and in particular, there is no ADR framework act that can play an integrated role. Furthermore, for the conciliation system of the court, over 80% of conciliation are conducted focusing on court of lawsuits, and legal basis and procedures between institutes are different for administrative ADR, and communication does not go smoothly, thus making it inefficient. Such examples cannot avoid being a background for criticism when considering the fundamental ideologies and beliefs of ADR. The Vinaya Pitaka of sangha related to ADR is a separate method for operating communities. This is the BDR (Buddhist Dispute Resolution) method that encompasses personal ethics, organizational ethics, harmony through various community gatherings, and adhikaranasamatha on the four issues that could occur in legal review procedures. This has become the sufficient background for succession and development for parisa sangha and gana sangha among individuals.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 불교적 분쟁해결의 이념
Ⅲ. 불교적 분쟁해결의 역사적 사례분석
Ⅳ. 결론