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KCI등재후보 학술저널

문화 콘텐츠를 이용한 지역재생사업의 방향 모색: 농촌 공동체 지역 활성화 사례 중심으로

The Way to Local Regeneration using Cultural Contents: Reviewing Cases of Rural Community Projects

  • 124

본 연구의 목적은 인구소멸도시 문제가 저출산 현실과 맞물려 심각한 사회문제로 대두되면서 지방소도시 또는 농촌지역의 현실적인 대안 찾기 노력이시급해졌음을 인식하고 이에 대한 대안을 찾고자 하는 데 있다. 문화콘텐츠개발을 통한 지역재생사업이 2000년대 이후 지방자치단체의 주요 사업이되었고 지방농촌축제나 문화콘텐츠 개발을 통한 방문객 유치사업을 벌이고있다. 하지만 농촌 공동체의 공동화 현상이 심각해지고 초고령化 사회로의진입이 도시보다 훨씬 빠르게 진행되면서 농촌공동체에서는 인력이 많이필요한 사업보다는 농촌마을의 자원을 세밀하게 파악하고, 그것을 바탕으로한 스토리가 있는 콘텐츠를 개발하여 특색 있는 마을로 만드는 마을재생사업의필요성을 알려 전문적인 인력의 컨설팅과 MZ세대의 가치소비에 대한 수요를 농촌공동체로 돌리려는 노력이 필요함으로 본 연구를 통해 강조하고 있다.

According to the constant decrease of birth rate in developed countries, most notably in Korea recording the smallest in the world, we are now worrying about the cavitation and/or extinction of local communities in the near future. Actually many developed countries in recent decades actively put into practice a variety of local regeneration projects. While the local regeneration in the early stages focused on the income increase in the communities such as local tour or local food promotion, currently it aims at sustainability of the communities, which embraces wider range of elements to sustain a community including population, habitat, job, environment and cultural assets. In this regard, this study reviewed several local regeneration cases which produced successful results in Korea, and analyzed success factors and suggested the key points to advance the local regeneration project. As a result, we identified the local regeneration should be based on the local community-specific amenity which consists of natural asset(e.g. scenic view, life resources, geography). material asset(e.g. specialty, local industry) and cultural asset(e.g. historic heritage, lifestyle, customs, etc). Based on this, we can set up an effective strategy to start a local regeneration project. This study suggested four different model cases of local regeneration including local festival model, storytelling model, rural and urban networking model, and home-coming model. In spite of many different approaches, this study identified the driving factors in successful local regeneration projects, which are the differentiation of cultural contents, the engagement of local residents and the capacity building process assisted by relevant experts, the mobilization of financial resources to carry out the projects. In recent days in Korea, while the central and local governments are expanding their subsidy and investment into local regeneration projects, still the human resources required in this projects need to be enhanced, at the same time, we need to explore this as a new occasion where MZ generations facing limited job opportunity to take part in.
