최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

사회 연결망 분석(Social Network Analysis)을 이용한 한국관광산업 이익집단의 정책네트워크 연구

Social network analysis for policy network among the interest groups of tourism industry in Korea

  • 15

This study aimed to apply a methodological approach, 'social network analysis' for the understanding of policy network among interest groups related tourism industry in Korea. Structural features in policy network are achieved by focusing on interest groups in the policy making process, theirs relationships, and the structural context. These parameters are used to map the intensity and density of relational constellation and to asses if and how interest groups take each other into account in their action. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The mutual relevance and reputation influence structure among interest groups are turned out to be direct and complex network in which a few interest groups are important players. The contribution of this study is to provide useful policy implications to practitioners. But also, this study expects that main findings of this study will be useful hypotheses for future studies in the tourism research fields.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경

III. 연구설계

IV. 연구결과

V. 결론 및 시사점

