최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

어촌관광 방문동기에 관한 연구

Participants' Motivation of Fishing Village Tourism: Focusing on the Fishing Village Experience Tourism of East Coast

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This article is to analyze participants' motivation of fishing village tourism, offering an information needed to establish marketing strategy. This study is to find out the participants' motivation and examine its demographic and activity background. The data for this study were collected from a questionnaire survey of Fishing Village Experience Tourism participants. The result are as follows. First, as participants' motivation of Fishing Village Experience Tourism “marine reports”, “new experience”, “to enjoy nature environment and escape from routine life”, “to experience fishing village culture”, “socialization”, “to buy, eat and picking sea products” and “family togetherness” were extracted. Second, it was found that the participants’ motivation of fishing village tourism was varied according to demographic and activity characteristics.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 고찰

III. 조사설계

IV. 분석결과

V. 결론

