Tourism study in Korea has forty-five years long history. The views of point about academic characters of tourism science devide into two parts. The first view is that tourism study is comprehensive in character, and the other is that the study could be single independent applied science. But because both views have the strength and weakness of their own, author argues it is necessary to integrate both views adequately. Specially, in an effort to enhance quality level of the tourism science, writer advocates that Korean tourism science has to upgrade the quality of research, including the theoretical awareness, general theory of tourism, methodological sophistication, etc. At the same time, tourism researchers are encouraged to absorb the superior knowledges and methodologies of other social sciences.
I. 서론
II. 관광학의 학문적 성격 규명
III. 관광학의 학문적 독립 가능성
IV. 관광학과 인접학문간 융합확대 방안
V. 결론