觀光情報,웹사이트 態度,온라인 구매의도간의 構造的 關係 考察
An Examination of the structural relationships among travel information, an attitude toward a DMO Website and online purchase intention: Focusing on a mediating role of telepresence
This study proposes a structural model to investigate the influential relationships among offline travel information, Web-mediated virtual information, telepresence, attitudes toward a Destination Marketing Organization(DMO)’s Website and online purchase intention. To achieve the goal of this study, virtual information classifies into two types; 3D-based and 2D/text-based virtual information. This research model examines the structural relationships among constructs, using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). The empirical data collected from the Tourism Tasmania Website by using a Web survey. A total of 328 responses provide the validated data for analysis. The result of this study suggest the following findings: (1) telepresence is influenced by 3D- and 2D-based virtual information; whereas, offline travel information does not; (2) telepresence mediates virtual information to online purchase intentio; and (3) based on the best model, it was found that 3D virtual information has a direct effect on attitude; whereas, 2D-based information has a direct effect on an online purchase intention.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경 및 가설의 설정
III. 연구모형 및 방법
IV. 분석결과
V. 결론