최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

先人들의 여가문화에 나타난 관광현상 일고찰

Leisure Culture of the Joseon Dynasty Gentry: The Case of ‘Lying-down’ Tourism

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This paper pays attention to an unfamiliar concept, 'wayu tourism' (lying-down tourism) not noticed by the current Korean tourism scholars. Wayu means sightseeing a miniatured natural beauty, lying down inside home. The wayu tourism is the phenomenon of experiencing the effects of tourism through wayu deeds. The literary men and illustrious officials of Choson Dynasty were absorbed in official duties at youth and were an unhealthy condition at old age, so they could not easily get access to mountains and waters. In this situation, they like post-modern tourists nowadays tend to replace real tourism by wayu tourism. Arguably wayu tourism enjoyed by our ancestor and today's virtual tourism could be said having similarity in certain respect.

I. 서론

II. 인접학문에서 臥遊에 관한 논의

III. 臥遊觀光의 개념과 현대적 의미

IV. 결론 및 시사

