최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

어리의 관광시선론 再論

Urry’s Tourist Gaze Discourse: Critics and Extension

Recent decades envisage enormous growth in intra and international travel and tourism flows, which cause high socio-economic effects on the involved society while activating vigorous academic endeavors. Urry’s tourist gaze thesis is one of the such effort in which he borrows the concept form Michel Faucoult’s medical gaze. Reviewing various critics raised by related authors, writer here also advances some critics and tries to extend the knowledge horizon. He first argues that clinical gaze and touristic gaze could not be the same gaze since the former is a rigid and sovereign eye-power while the latter' a leisurely sightseeing' not accompanying any commitment. Further, he criticize the unidirectional nature of the tourist gaze, suggesting reciprocity of the ‘seeing’ activity occurring between hosts and guests.

I. 서론

II. 시선 연구의 연원: 一望 監視施設 ‘팬옵티콘’과 ‘병원의 탄생’

III. 어리 시선론의 요지와 후속연구의 진화: 시각중심주의에 대한 옹호와 비판

IV. 현대관광에서의 시선의 본질: 어리의 시선론을 넘어

V. 결론 및 시사점

