최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

수단-목적 연쇄이론의 피라미드 계층구조와 소비자 인지에 대한 분류과정

Pyramidal Hierarchical-Structure of Means-End Chains Theory and Customers' Cognitive Categorization Process

  • 7

The means-end chain theory suggests that consumers perceive and judge products as the means to achieving a desired end-state in a given product-use situation. This study presents the unique pyramid-structure of the means-end chain; a model linking perceived product attribute to values. In addition, the categorization process in a product-use situation, the concept necessary to the explication was discussed in the last. Understanding these concepts provide opportunities for managers to target market segmentation and advertising based on the customers' desired end-states.

I. 서론

II. 수단-목적 연쇄이론의 요소와 계층구조

III. 소비자의 제품 분류과정(categorization process)

IV. 결론

