최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

게임이론을 이용한 지역관광개발 갈등 분석

Conflict Analysis of Regional Tourism Development using Game Theories: The Case of Developing Process of Muju Tourist City

  • 16

This study adopted the power and game theories to find the primary causes and structure of the conflict among the community involved in Muju tourism & leisure city. In-depth interviews for stakeholders were conducted to collect the data. Authors find that gamer rationally decides conflict strategy in the structure of unbalanced powers between gamers. The gamer also takes conflict strategy when there is no confidential network between gamers. However, if there is confidential network(e.g. governance) between gamers, the gamer rationally takes collaboration strategy to obtain maximum benefits. This study implies that it is very difficult to virtually make a collaborated relations among stakeholders in lack of confidential situation.

I. 서론

II. 이론연구

III. 사례분석: 무주 관광레저 기업도시 추진과정을 중심으로

IV. 결론

