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18세기 후기 운보문 어보 보자기의 문양 분석

Analysis of the Cloud-Treasure Patterned (Unbomun) Royal-Seal Wrapping Fabrics in the late 18th Century: Focusing on the Fabrics containing the Yeonhwanmun Pattern

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이 연구는 ‘연환문’이 포함된 운보문 어보 보자기 103점을 ‘정하 운보문 판독법’으로 네 유형으로 분류하고 제작 시기가 분명한 교명과 책의의 문양과 비교하여 어보 보자기의 제작 시기를 확인한 후 그 시기를 근거로 교란 여부를 살펴보았다. 첫째 교명과 책의에서 연환문이 포함된 운보문 직물은 교명 10점(1744~1847), 옥책 42점(1772~1908), 죽책 3점(1776) 등 총 55점이 확인되었다. 교명과 옥책을 통해 볼 때 연환문이 있는 운보문은 18세기 중기 영조대 이후에 사용되었음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째 어보 보자기 유형 1(28점, 1756~1908)은 【무보-서보-서각-연환-(좌향/우향)-무보-서보-서각-전보쌍】 문양으로, 교명과 책의 등 14점(1772~1778)에서 동일 문양이 확인되었는데 영조 말기에서 정조 초기에 사용된 직물임을 알 수 있었다. 보자기 28점 중 8점이 교란되었을 가능성을 제시하였다. 셋째 어보 보자기 유형 2(28점, 1729~1879)는 【첩승-서보-서각-연환-(좌향/우향)-첩승-서보-서각-전보쌍】 문양으로, 5종의 일상 보문이 사용되었다. 교명과 책의 8점(1802~1847)을 통해 19세기 전기에 사용한 직물로 확인되었다. 보자기 28점 중 10점이 교란되었을 가능성을 제시하였다. 넷째 어보 보자기 유형 3(33점, 1457~1908)은 유형 2와 보문의 구성과 배열은 동일하지만 운두의 세로 길이가 가로보다 길었다. 옥책 23점(1827~1908)에서 동일 문양이 확인됨에 따라 19세기 초 순조대 부터 20세기 초 대한제국기까지 사용되었음을 확인하였다. 보자기 33점 중 12점 정도가 교란되었을 가능성을 제시하였다. 다섯째 어보 보자기 문양 유형 4(14점, 1851~1908)는 【금정-서보-서각-연환/첩승-반장-산호-전보쌍】으로, 8종의 일상 보문으로 구성되었다. 옥책 1점(1853년)과 이현직(1797~1876)의 〈사명기〉 2점을 통하여 1850년 전후인 헌종 말기에서 철종대에 사용된 것으로 확인되었다. 14점 중 8점이 교란되었을 가능성을 제시하였다.

This study divided a total of 103 pieces of cloud treasure patterned royal-seal fabrics, including yeonhwanmun patterned fabrics, into four types based on the Jeongha Cloud-Treasure Pattern Reading Method, and compared them with the patterns of the certificate of royal title and the fabric book cover, respectively, of which the production dates were relatively clear. By this method, this study identified the production date of royal-seal wrapping fabrics and then based on the results of the dates, it examined whether the fabrics’ production dates were contradictory or unclear. First, in the certificate of royal title and the bookcloth which had the cloud treasure patterned fabrics including yeonhwanmun, were found ten pieces of certificate of royal title (1744~1847), 42 pieces of jade bookcloth (1772~1908), and three pieces of bamboo bookcloth (1776), totaling 55 pieces. By a comparison with the certificate and the jade bookcloth, it was found that the cloud treasure patterned fabrics with yeonhwanmun were used after the reign of King Yongjo in the mid-18th century. Second, Type 1 royal-seal fabrics (28 pieces, 1756~1908) included the patterns of Mubo-Seo-bo-Seogak-Yeonhwan-(Leftward/Rightward)-Mubo-Seobo-Seogak-Jeonbo pair. The same patterns were found in 14 pieces of the certificate of royal title and the bookcloth (1772~1778), which indicated that they were used from late King Yongju to the early days of King Jeongjo. This study suggested a possibility that of the 28 fabrics, eight pieces had an unclear production period. Third, Type 2 royal-seal fabrics (28 pieces, 1729~1879) included the patterns of Cheopseung-Seobo-Seogak-Yeonhwan-(Leftward/Rightward)-Cheopseung-Seobo- Seogak-Jeonbo pair, in which five kinds of general treasure pattern were used. By the comparison with eight pieces’ certificate and the bookcloth (1802~1847), it was found that they were used in the early 19th century. This study suggested a possibility that of the 28 fabrics, ten pieces had an unclear production period. Fourth, Type 3 royal-seal fabrics (33 pieces, 1457~1908) had the same pattern as Type 2 in composition and arrangement, but the vertical length of the head of the cloud pattern was longer than the width length. Nevertheless, as the same pattern was found in 23 pieces of jade bookcloth (1827~1908), this study found that they were used from King Sunjo in the early 19th century to the Korean Empire period in the early 20th century. It also suggested a possibility that of the 33 pieces of fabrics, about 12 pieces had an unclear production period. Fifth, Type 4 pattern of royal fabrics (14 pieces, 1851~1908) included eight general treasure patterns, which were Geumjeong–Seobo–Seogak–Yeohwan/Cheopseung– Banjang-Sanho-Jeonbo pair. By comparing them with one piece of jade bookcloth (1853) and two pieces of the battle flag of Lee Hyun Jik (1797~1876), it was found that the fabrics were used before and after 1850s, from the late King Hun-jong through the reign of King Cheol-jong. This study suggested a possibility that of the 14 pieces of fabrics, the production period of 8 pieces were unclear.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 연환문이 포함된 운보문 교명과책의의문양분석

Ⅲ. 연환문이포함된어보보자기의운보문과 교명과 책의문양과의비교

Ⅳ. 맺음말
