최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호대학생의 학습성과기반 온라인 프로그램러닝을 이용한 온라인 실습과 현장중심 지역사회간호실습의 비교연구

A Comparative Study of Outcome-Based Online Programmed Learning and Field-Based Community Nursing Practice of Nursing Students

DOI : 10.34089/jknr.2022.6.4.29
  • 133

Purpose : This study was to compare the effects of field experienced practice program and online based practice program in community health nursing. Method : This is a descriptive investigative design comparing two groups of nursing students who participated in online based practice and field experienced practice. The subjects consisted of 95 students in each group, who were 3rd year students. The data were analyzed through the SPSS 24.0 version program. Results : 27.3% of the field experienced practice group and 18.9% of the online based practice group changed their career path to becoming a public official in nursing after practice. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the awareness of program outcome-based practice content suitability. There was no significant difference degree of achievement on course between the field experienced practice group and the online based practice group. Among the program outcomes, the online based group had a significantly higher level of understanding of health care policy than the field experienced group. Conclusion : It is suggested that the strength of programmed learning be applied to the community nursing practice. Also, a practical education program should be developed according to the characteristics of the program and course outcomes.
