최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

관광현상 규명을 위한 질적 연구방법의 고찰과 적용

A Review and Application of Qualitative Research Methodology in Tourism

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The term ‘qualitative research’ might be said something of an enigma. Forsome time, the issue of what exactly qualitative research is has been at thecentre of a great deal of debate within social science. More recently, thesedebates have gained greater prominence in the field of tourism research.There are many different views about what qualitative research is. This studyexamined ontology, epistemology and methodology underpinning qualitativeresearch, while the study reflected the empirical tourism studies. This studyexplored how a qualitative research paradigm could be applied to “tourismexperience”. The social construction of meaning is a central theoretical premisein tourism experience. Meaning-making and sense-making are continuousengagement between “tourism actors” involving continuous construction andreconstruction of meanings and/or interpretation of meaning.

I. 서론

II. 질적 연구방법과 관광학 적용 선행 연구

III. 관광학 질적 연구의 적용 가능성

IV. 결론

