최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

축제의 장소 정체성

Place Identity in Festivals: The Case of Yeongcheon Herb Festival

  • 11

As festivals and events are popular trend, lots of local governments have been eager in holding festival. Thousands of festivals are being held all around the year in every place. But most of festivals are criticised being similarity. Then what is the local-based festival? How can we offer a locality and place identity to festival goers? Festival must be possessed of the locality and originality. It is important for the local festival authorities to understand the concepts of space, place marketing, and place identity. In this study writers propose three core factors - festivity, meaningful place, and local-based festival - for the place identity of local festival. Authors maintain that the local festival has to possess distinctive theme and program for festivity, authenticity and discrimination of place, local-based community and resource.

I. 서론

II. 장소성, 장소 마케팅, 지역 정체성과 축제

III. 축제의 장소 정체성

IV. 결론

