최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

조사방법 간 지역축제 방문객의 지출함수추정 및 지출결정요인 비교연구

Comparing Survey Methods in Estimating Visitor Expenditure and its Determinants of Regional Festival

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By comparing two survey methods, on-site and mail survey, this paper is to estimate visitor expenditure and determinants on a local festival. Tobit model was used to analyze the data and likelihood ratio test was performed comparing each survey versions from the case of 2006 Hyosuk Cultural Festival. Statistical differences in determinants of visitor expenditure were found in total expenditure involving restaurant, shopping, auto gasoline, and admission fee among the various spending categories. On-site survey were found more appropriate survey method than mail survey when sampling errors are concerned. This may be possibly due to a recall bias of mail survey. However, this study suggest that survey method may have become different from the festival characteristics and a point of survey time.

I. 서론

II. 이론 및 모형

III. 자료 및 연구방법

IV. 모형추정 결과

Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사

