최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

축제관광객의 유형세분화와 SWOT분석을 이용한 운영전략

Operational Strategies of Festivals using Segmentation of Tourists' Types and SWOT Analysis: The case of the Brighton Festival in UK

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This article is to find advanced operational strategies using a classification of cultural tourists who visit the Briton festival. The results of this study show that the Brighton Festival has a variety of well planned programs and active residents’ participation. These strengths and opportunities of the art festival as a cultural tourism-resources are believed to create an environment for a more successful tourism destination than others. Operational strategies using SWOT analysis and segmentation of tourists' attitudes are argued to be able to offer an advanced festival and development of other events. Segmentation of tourists' types can efficiently serve to formulate detailed operational strategies as long as these operational strategies should be different for the cultural tourists' types which have different perspectives.

I. 서론

II. 이론적 배경

III. 현장조사 연구

IV. 시사점: 축제 운영전략

