최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Cosmetic Medicine Vol.6, No.2.JPG

Treatment of acne fulminans with intense pulsed light: a case report

Treatment of acne fulminans with intense pulsed light: a case report

DOI : 10.25056/JCM.2022.6.2.99
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Acne fulminans is a severe form of acne that has a considerable psychosocial impact. Acne scarring is a potential complication of this condition. The treatment of acne fulminans includes conventional topical antibiotics, systemic antibiotics, hormonal therapy, isotretinoin, and light therapy. Intense pulsed light can have marked effects on acne fulminans. We aimed to describe the treatment of acne fulminans with intense pulsed light. This article is a case report together with a literature review to demonstrate how intense pulsed light can be used to treat acne fulminans. Pre-treatment and post-treatment clinical photographs are provided to show the effects of intense pulsed light therapy on acne fulminans. No comparisons were made with the other treatment modalities; nevertheless, this study provides an alternative treatment option for acne fulminans. Our case report revealed that intense pulse light using multiple filters at certain energy levels can effectively treat acne fulminans. Current evidence suggests that ablative CO2 and Er:YAG lasers provide the best curative effect on acne scars on all skin types. Potential complications with intense pulsed light include pain, burns, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Intense pulsed light is an effective treatment modality for acne fulminans. However, more cases of acne fulminans treated with intense pulsed light need to be documented in order to affirm intense pulsed light as one of the best options for treating this severe form of acne.


Case report



Conflicts of interest

