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KCI등재 학술저널

TV 드라마 속 영어 외래어 사용 양상 연구

A Study on the Use of English Loanwords in a TV Drama: Analyzing the Drama <Start-up>

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2022.30.4.07
  • 175

The present study examines English loanwords appearing in a Korean television drama, Start-up, to understand how English is incorporated into Korean discourse in the settings of everyday life. Data analysis revealed that the drama contains a relatively high number of English loanwords presumably due to the protagonists' young age and the tech-based start-ups that it features. One of the distinct characteristics of English loanwords in their forms is the extensive use of ‘English-hada’ words and other types of words combining Korean and English elements. In addition, the use of English often extends beyond the word level to phrases or even sentences. The functions of English loanwords in the drama were found to fill a lexical gap in the Korean language, strengthen the sense of belonging and bonding among the members of a particular generation or group, create a humorous atmosphere, and symbolize professional competence and thus an elevated level of the speakers' social status.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구 및 배경

3. 분석 자료 및 분석 방법

4. 분석 결과 및 논의

5. 결론

