This study aims to to identify specific terms used in the documents of public organizations in order to assess the need to replace them for general comprehension by the public and to gain an understanding of how public organization officials and the public (those who visit the organizations) perceive those words. With their cooperation, the terms (used in press releases), guidance practices, notices, and website posting of Siheung Urban Corporation were collected, and 64 terms were selected through word segmentation of 300,000 words and morphological analysis. Next, a survey was conducted to determine the need for improvement of specific terms and the appropriateness of the alternative terms. The survey results showed an average value of 3.04 (out of 4) for the need to refinement of terms. The alternative terms received an average appropriateness value of 3.21 (out of 4). As a result of examining terms that require replacement by vocabulary type, it was found that English acronyms such as VOC, CS, AED, BL scored an average of 3.23 points, indicating that replacement was most necessary. This survey of public organization officials and the public suggests that acronyms urgently need to be replaced in public documents.
1. 머리말
2. 개선 대상 용어의 추출 및 분석
3. 용어 사용 실태 및 대체어 목록
4. 설문조사
5. 맺음말