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KCI등재 학술저널

「조선인 연초배급명부」로 본 미쓰비시(三菱)광업 사도(佐渡)광산 조선인 강제동원

Mitsubishi Mining Company’s Sado Mine Compulsory Mobilization of Korean Tobacco Distribution List

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2022.43.43
  • 83

「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」は1944~1946年間三菱鉱業(株)所属の佐渡鉱業所に動員した朝鮮人関連名簿だ。 計3つの単身者宿舎に収容した朝鮮人鉱夫たちにタバコを支給する過程で生産した名簿と付属文書で構成されている。 現在、3つのバージョンの名簿を発掘しており、収録規模は朝鮮人494人(一部国籍不明者を含む)と推定される。 佐渡鉱業所は1939~1945年の間に1519人の朝鮮人を動員した。 しかし、三菱鉱業が作成した名簿は見当たらない。 その点で、この史料の価値は非常に高い。 「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」の発掘時期と発掘過程に対しては色々な主張があり、所蔵者により内容も同一ではない。 タバコ配給と関連した名簿なので移動状況を主に収録し、労働実態に対する内容は探しにくい。 また「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」は佐渡鉱山が動員した朝鮮人1519人のすべての人命情報を盛り込んだ史料ではなく、一部単身者宿舎に収容された朝鮮人を対象にした名簿だ。 したがって家族同伴鉱夫の実態は把握できず、収録規模も1,519人と比べてみると1/3に過ぎない一部被害現況史料だ。 この点が「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」の限界であり特徴という点を勘案した分析が必要だ。 このように「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」は完結性という点で補完されなければならない資料だ。 しかし、現存する佐渡鉱山関連名簿の中で最も豊富な情報を含んでいる名簿だ。したがって、追加史料収集と研究を通じて限界を補完し、資料の価値を高める必要がある。 本稿では現在まで発掘した「朝鮮人煙草配給名簿」の3バージョンを対象に主な内容を分析し、これを土台にいくつかの佐渡鉱山朝鮮人強制動員の特徴を提示した。 今後残った課題は、史料の追加発掘と緻密な分析を同時に推進することだ。

The “Korean Tobacco Distribution List” is a list related to Koreans who mobilized to Sado Mining Co., Ltd. belonging to Mitsubishi Mining Co., Ltd. from 1944 to 1946. It consists of a list and annexes produced in the process of providing cigarettes to Korean miners housed in a total of three single accommodations. Currently, three versions of the list have been discovered, and the total size of the list is estimated to be 494 Koreans (including some unknown nationality). The Sado Mining Company mobilized 1,519 Koreans between 1939 and 1945. However, the list made by Mitsubishi Mining cannot be found. In that respect, the value of this historical records is very high. There are several claims about the timing and excavation process of the “Korean Tobacco Distribution List,” and the contents are not the same depending on the owner. Since it is a list related to tobacco distribution, the movement situation is mainly included, and it is difficult to find information on the labor situation. In addition, the “Korean Tobacco Distribution List” is not a historical records containing all the life information of 1,519 Koreans mobilized by the Sado Mine, but a list of Koreans who were accommodated in some single accommodations. Therefore, it is not possible to grasp the actual situation of the miners with family members, and the size of the album is only 1/3 of the damage status data compared to 1,519 people. An analysis is needed considering that this is a limitation and characteristic of the “Korean Tobacco Distribution List.” As such, the 'Korean Tobacco Distribution List' is a historical records to be supplemented in that it is complete. However, it contains the most abundant information among the existing lists related to the Sado mine. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the limitations and increase the value of the historical records through additional historical recordsa collection and research. This paper analyzed the main contents of the historical records for the three versions of the “Korean Tobacco Distribution List” discovered so far, and based on this, several characteristics of forced mobilization of Koreans in the Sado mine were presented. The remaining task in the future is to simultaneously discover additional historical records and conduct detailed analysis.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 「조선인 연초배급명부」의 구조 분석

Ⅲ. 「조선인 연초배급명부」가 촉발한 한국 현지조사

Ⅳ. 「조선인 연초배급명부」를 통해 본 사도광산 조선인 강제동원의 실태

Ⅴ. 맺음말
