This paper legally reviews the concept and operation method of local community policing system, and discusses the necessity and acceptance method to supplement its limitations with civil-police cooperation. Currently, the police organization is divided into three parts: the national police, local community police, and investigative police. Meanwhile, the municipal policing system has not been able to provide services closely related to residents' lives as expected due to the lack of available manpower a year after its introduction. As an essential alternative, civil-policy cooperation can effectively support the life safety, transportation, and security affairs of local community police, so it studies how it can be accommodated. Although previous studies have emphasized civil-police cooperation, they have not specified the problems of system operation since the introduction of the autonomous police system in 2021. As a research method, regulations under the ordinance are introduced to find out the concept of the autonomous police system and the operation status after the introduction of the system. Next, after pointing out the limitations of the local community system, the concept and institutional acceptance of private and police cooperation as alternatives are considered, and specific measures are presented in the conclusion. This study expects that follow-up research will continue at a time when support for the autonomous crime prevention team was legislated in 2022 and opportunities to strengthen civil-police cooperation are provided.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 자치경찰제의 개념과 법적 체계
Ⅲ. 민경협력 논의 필요성과 제도적 수용
Ⅳ. 결론