<유림외사>와 연암소설에 담긴 경제사상 비교
A Comparative Study on Economic Ideas in The Scholars(儒林外史) and Novels of Yeonam(燕巖): Focused on the merchant class
- 조선대학교 국제문화연구원
- 국제문화연구
- Vol.15 No.2
- : KCI등재
- 2022.12
- 125 - 148 (24 pages)
In the 18th century, Qing Dynasty and Chosun were a period of change in which agriculture, which was the basis of the economy, shifted around commerce. The status of commerce and merchants also differs significantly from before in line with the needs of the times. This paper examined the types of merchants according to the economic consciousness shown in Wu Jingzi's “The Scholars” and Park Ji-won's Yeonam novel, and compared the background of the era when the merchant class emerged and the economic ideas of the two writers. Wu Jingzi's economic thought weighed on a somewhat negative gaze. The rejection of the merchant class was higher because the relative deprivation caused by the rapidly changing economic situation was viewed from the perspective of the surrounding people. Park Ji-won shows an active attitude toward commerce through the advanced culture of the Qing Dynasty that she saw and felt in person. These positive ideas do not stay in theory, but are revealed to change the lives of the people. However, it was confirmed that both writers have limitations according to the feudal status system.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 청대 초기 조선의 정치와 경제
Ⅲ. <유림외사>와 연암소설 속 상인 계층
Ⅳ. 오경재 박지원의 경제사상 비교와 한계
Ⅴ. 나가는 말