최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of International Culture Vol.15 No.2.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

중국 다예(茶藝)에 관한 현상과 전망

A Study on the ChaYi(茶藝) Phenomenon and Prospect in China

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2022.15.2.149

“Chayi” was originally invented in the 1970s in Taiwan to distinguish it from Japan's “Teaism” to establish and disseminate the identity of Chinese tea. Taiwanese intellectuals, who worked hard to restore the Chinese-style drinking tea custom, created a new Chinese-style drinking tea procedure and method based on the ancient Chinese Gongfucha drinking tea method and referring to Japan's “Teaism.” Therefore, in order to accurately understand the meaning and phenomenon of Chinese Chayi, this paper examined the customs and transition process of drinking tea popular with Chinese people from ancient times, and discussed the formation, characteristics, and prospects of modern Chinese Chayi. As of 2020, the total sales of tea in China amounted to about 300billion yuan. Therefore, if Chayi's academic theoretical system is established as the Chinese government wishes, and a sensational tea drinking trend is created through Chayi's daily life and diversification, Chayi will contribute to the development and spread of traditional culture as an important cultural content in China. In addition, it will be able to serve as a medium to promote the development of the tea industry economically through the consumption of tea culture and the expansion of derivatives. However, if Chayi neglects or loses its original meaning by focusing too much on economic value using Chayi, it will be difficult for Chayi to grow into a unique cultural content of sustainable China.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 고대의 음다(飮茶) 기풍

Ⅲ. 현대 다예의 형성

Ⅳ. 맺음말
