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융합영어영문학 제7권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

영미권의 조증 서사

Anglo-American Manic Narratives

DOI : 0.55986/cell.2022.7.3.1

In the previous education it was taken for granted that the step-by-step progress in technology brought about development. Thus, a lot of time and effort were invested in the development of technology. Despite material progress, however, there is growing evidence that we are failing to create a sustainable future for humanity and a community where discrimination and conflict are minimized. If future generations do not have an intimate attachment to others by practicing environmental and social justice, there is a high possibility that humankind will gradually lose the light of hope and turn into a society of anxiety and disgust. Many of the great narratives of modern Anglo-American culture depict emotionally extreme disorders and subsequent social maladjustment. And these manic narratives are warnings that we should practice our attachment to early parenting and symbiotic ethics (ESG management) of industries that are friendly to the natural world. The burgeoning manic narratives of Anglo-American society across fiction, media, and non-fiction eloquently suggest the need to regain the power and wisdom of human nature through attachment and symbiotic value realization, rather than new technologies or manic or dopamine stimuli from excessive consumption.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. 결론

