桐溪 鄭蘊의 삶과 문학 - 학지사ㆍ교보문고 스콜라
최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

桐溪 鄭蘊의 삶과 문학

A Study on Donggye(桐溪) Jeongon(鄭蘊)'s Study and Literature: With a Special Focus on the meaning and value of enshrinement in Dosanseowon Confucian Academy

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2022.93.


본 연구는 鄭蘊(1569~1641)의 삶과 문학, 현창·추모의 의미를 살펴보기 위해 기획되었다. 2장에서는 동계 생전의 서사와 문학적 지향을 살폈다. 정온의 삶은 임진왜란 및 출사와 좌천을 겪은 시기[1569.2.∼1613.2.], 「甲寅封事」를 올리고 제주도로 유배를 간 시기[1613.3.∼1623.2.], 인조조에 등용되고 병자호란을 겪은 시기[1623.3.∼1636.2.], 거창으로 귀향하여 은거한 시기[1637.3.∼1641.6.] 등 네 시기로 구분된다. 정치적 浮沈을 겪었지만 동계는 늘 독서를 통해 충효의 마음을 견지하고자 노력하였고, 그러한 노력은 문학에 반영되었다. 그 결과 동계의 詩와 賦에는 임금을 향한 충정이, 詩와 書에는 모친과 가족에 대한 효성과 사랑이, 序와 記 등에는 충효를 실천한 고인의 행적이 담겼다. 이에 동계의 문학은 문학 관념ㆍ창작 동기ㆍ소재 등의 측면에서 ‘儒道의 실천과 확산을 중시한 忠節人의 문학’으로 규정될 수 있다. 3장에서는 동계 사후의 顯彰ㆍ追慕의 기록과 의미를 고찰하였다. 1641년(인조19)에서 1843년(헌종9) 무렵까지 지속된 동계 사후의 사업은 공식적 현창 사업과 비공식적 추모 사업의 두 유형으로 구분된다. 공식적 현창 사업은 유생ㆍ관료ㆍ국가의 주도하에 이루어진 추증ㆍ포상ㆍ제향이다. 공식적 현창 사업의 일환으로 건립된 거창의 道山書院은 거창 출신 충절인 정온을 모신 본고장 서원으로서 ‘지역성’의 가치를 지닌다. 한편, 비공식적 추모 사업은 수령ㆍ사림의 주도하에 이루어진 생활 공간과 遺墨의 전승이다. 현재 남아 있는 ‘용천정사’ㆍ‘모리재’는 후인이 행한 추모 사업의 자취를 확인할 수 있는 생활 공간으로서 ‘현장성’의 가치를 지니지만, 동계의 면모와 영향을 총체적으로 이해하기 위해서는 동계를 제향한 공식 기관인 도산서원이 재건될 필요가 있다고 보았다. 동계 정온에 대한 현창 사업이 재개된 지금, ‘도산서원’이라는 공간이 갖게 될 새로운 의미와 가치를 깊이 생각해보아야 할 것이다.

This study is designed to explore Jeongon(鄭蘊, 1569~1641)'s life and literature, and the meaning of commemoration and remembrance. In Chapter 2, the study explores his biography and literary orientation during his life. His life is largely divided into four periods; first, a period from February, 1569 to February, 1613 when he experienced the Japanese Invasion of Korea, entered government service, and was demoted, second, a period from March 1613 to February, 1623 when he made 「Gabinbongsa(甲寅封事)」, a petition to the King, and was banished to Jeju Island, a period from March, 1623 to February, 1636 when he was appointed in the early times of King Injo and experienced the Byeongja Horan(Second Manchu Invasion), and a period from March, 1637 to June, 1641 when he returned to his old home(歸鄕), Geochang, and lived in retirement(隱居). In spite of many ups and downs(浮沈) in his political life, he always tried hard to keep the thought of loyalty and filial piety in his mind through unremitting readings and such efforts were reflected in his literary works as well. For example, Donggye’s poems(詩) and Bu(賦) show his sincere loyalty to the king, his poems(詩) and Seo(序) show love and filial affection towards family including his mother, and his Seo(序)and Gi(記) show what ancient people had done to practice loyalty and filial piety. This way, his literature can be defined as “the literature of a very loyal and faithful person emphasizing the practice and propagation of Confucian doctrine”, in terms of his notion of literary, motive of creation, and material. In Chapter 3, the study looks into the records of commemoration(顯彰) and remembrance(追慕) after his death, and also what those mean. The project which lasted from 1641(King Injo 19) to 1843(King Heonjong 9) can be categorized into two; first, an official commemoration project and second, an unofficial remembrance project. The official commemoration project mainly led by Confucian scholars, government officials, and the country was comprised of the posthumous conferment of honor(追贈), reward(褒賞), and commemorative rite(祭享). And Dosanseowon Confucian Academy((道山書院) established in Geochang as part of the official commemoration project has the value of “regionality” since it is a Confucian academy based in Geochang where the loyalist, Jeongon, was born and also where he is enshrined. The unofficial commemoration project led by a local governor and Sarim(Neo-Confucian) literati was to pass down his works(遺墨) and also his living space. Although the remaining Yongcheonjeongsa(龍泉精舍) and Morijae(某里齋) has the value of “site-ness” as the living space showing traces of the remembrance project actually carried out by later generations, it is still considered necessary to reconstruct Dosanseowon Confucian Academy, the official institute where the commemorative rite was conducted for Donggye, in order to comprehensively understand who he really was and what influences he caused. Now, the commemoration project has been resumed(再開) for Donggye Jeongon, and it would be meaningful for us to take an in-depth look at the new meaning and value that this new Dosanseowon Confucian Academy would have in future.
