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KCI등재 학술저널

국산목재 이용 활성화를 위한 목공방의 목재사용 현황 분석

Analysis of Korean Carpentry Studio to Promote the Use of Domestic Wood

DOI : 10.22873/kofuso.2022.33.4.523
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Domestic wood use and industrial status were investigated through a sample survey targeting carpentry studios that produce final products using domestic wood. About 50 companies responded to the survey, most of which had less than 3 employees and 100 million won annual sales. At the request of users, educational contents such as furniture production (74%) and wooden props production (50%) are operated. An average of 525 visitors use the studios per year, and it is promoted through online media. More than 78% of carpentry studios consumed more than 3 cubic meters of wood and mainly used dried and processed wood products. Pine (46%), ash (31%) and walnut (29%) are main species. Among them, domestic wood is used as an auxiliary material because it is difficult to purchase. To expand the use of domestic wood, quality assurance (30%), easy ordering (24%), and low price (24%) were needed. Based on the results, in order to increase the utilization rate of domestic wood in carpentry studios, it is necessary to establish a system that can check the history and distribution of domestic wood and plan for continuous supply of wood.

1. 서 론

2. 목공방 기본현황

3. 목재 사용 현황

4. 국산목재 사용을 위한 방안 제시

5. 결 론

