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KCI등재 학술저널

스페인어 ‘ser’ 수동 구문에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Passive Constructions with SER in Spanish

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2022.116.17
  • 22

The verb SER in Spanish has been defined as a copulative verb and corresponds to a verb that derives a attributive sentence. In these constructions, the verb SER is understood as an syntathe subject and the attribute as a conjunction and expresses the Tense features. The verb SER is also used in passive phrases and these constructions is semantically and syntactically different from the attributive sentence. In this study, we intend to analyze the passive syntax with SER. In this study, the syntactic characteristics of the passive constructions with SER in Spanish will be reviewed, and previous analyses of these constructions will be considered. Based on this considerations, we will suppose that the passive meaning is based on the Event features of the verb (Past Participle). And it is assumed that these Event features are derived from the Lexicon. In our analysis, these passive constructions are derived from Lexical-Syntax (Harley 1995).

1. 서론

2. 스페인어 ‘ser’ 동사 구문의 특징

3. 스페인어 ‘ser’ 수동 구문에 관한 분석

4. 결론

