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KCI등재 학술저널

‘글자·낱말·문장의 짜임’ 개념 제시 양상 분석 및 재구성 방안

An Analysis of the Conceptual Aspect and Reconstruction Way about Composition of Korean Letters, Words and Sentences Based on the Conceptual metaphor of ‘Composition’

DOI : 10.15734/koed..117.201812.7
  • 20

이 글은 초등 문법 교육 예하 글자·낱말·문장의 짜임에 관한 개념 제시 양상을 국어과 교육과정 및 교과서 분석을 통해 규명하는 한편, 그 제시 방식을 재구성하는 데에 목적이 있다. 문법 교육 내부에서 ‘짜임’은 글자, 낱말, 문장과 결합하여 소위 ‘가르칠 지식’으로서의 개념을 형성하고 있다. ‘짜임’은 제1차 교육과정 이래 지속적으로 제시되는 용어이며 ‘짜임’을 표방한 내용은 개념 이해와 탐구를 넘어 국어 사용 능력 신장의 기반이 되도록 거듭 조정되고 있다. 다만 그 의도와는 달리 국어 교과서에는 용어 표기의 불일치 양상과 개념의 부적절한 기술 양상이 발견되었는데, 이는 해당 개념이 초등 학습자에게 어찌 표상될지를 숙고하지 못한 처사라 할 수 있다. 이 글에서는 당면한 문제를 해결하고자 목표 개념 이해에 초점을 둔 차시 구조를 배정하는 한편, 개념적 은유에 기반하여 짜임 기술을 보정하는 재구성 방안을 마련하였다. 그 보정 과정은 말뭉치 용례 분석을 통해 ‘둘 이상의 이음과 접착’이라는 짜임 개념으로 도출되었는데 이로부터 재구성한 짜임 기술은 초등 학습자의 문법 개념 이해를 견인하는 사고 도구적 역할을 수행할 수 있을 것이다.

This study was intended to clarify the aspect of presenting the concept of composition about korean letters, words and sentences by analyzing the korean language curriculum and textbook. Within grammar education in elementary school, term of ‘composition’ is combined with ‘letters’, ‘words’ and ‘sentence’ to form the so-called ‘knowledge to teach’. These terms have been continuously offered since the first korean language curriculum. and the contents which claim to support those knowledge is being adjusted not only to understanding concepts of composition but also to form the basis for improving the Korean language ability. Contrary to its intention, however, I found some aspects of the term inconsistency and inappropriate conceptual skills in the textbook, which can be said to be a failure to contemplate how the concept will be represented to primary learners. To solve the problem at hand, this article prepared a reconstruction way that would focus on understanding the concept of the goal, using conceptual metaphors. As a result, this study has derived from concept of composition. which described “composition is two or more joints and adhesion.” This study was intended to clarify the aspect of presenting the concept of composition about korean letters, words and sentences by analyzing the korean language curriculum and textbook. Within grammar education in elementary school, term of ‘composition’ is combined with ‘letters’, ‘words’ and ‘sentence’ to form the so-called ‘knowledge to teach’. These terms have been continuously offered since the first korean language curriculum. and the contents which claim to support those knowledge is being adjusted not only to understanding concepts of composition but also to form the basis for improving the Korean language ability. Contrary to its intention, however, I found some aspects of the term inconsistency and inappropriate conceptual skills in the textbook, which can be said to be a failure to contemplate how the concept will be represented to primary learners. To solve the problem at hand, this article prepared a reconstruction way that would focus on understanding the concept of the goal, using conceptual metaphors. As a result, this study has derived from concept of composition. which described “composition is two or more joints and adhesion.”

1. 머리말

2. ‘글자·낱말·문장의 짜임’의 제시 양상과 문제

3. 개념적 은유에 기반한 ‘짜임’의 재구성 방안

4. 맺음말

