이 논문에서는 문학교육이 학습자를 둘러싸고 있는 서사문화 현실에 적극적으로 대응하지 못하고 있음을 비판하고, 특히 영상서사에 대한 교육이 시급함을 지적하였다. 이에 영상서사의 특성에 기반한 영상서사 비판적 읽기 방법을 구안하기 위하여 영상서사의 의미 및 범주를 검토하고, 영상서사의 특성과 비판적 교육의 의의를 논의한 뒤, 이를 토대로 비판적 읽기 방법을 제안하였다.
The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of critical reading of the visual narrative. To do so, the meaning and scope of the visual narrative is defined and its special characteristics discussed, after which a critical reading method is proposed by using the TV program 'Moo-Han-Do-Jeon (Limitless Challenge)', as an example. To perform critical reading of the visual narrative, three (3) steps must be followed. First, the various traits of the visual narrative must be identified. For instance, how strong is the authority inherent in the message? How true and factual is the text, and thus, how trustworthy is the message conveyed by the visual narrative? Secondly, the plot must be clearly understood. In other words, how believable and probable is the structure of the storyline manifest in the inner world of the visual narrative? Finally, the inner world that is present in the narrative should be regarded in relation to the larger socio-cultural context. Only within the context of the current social and cultural phenomena, can the ultimate goal of the plot and the visual narrative be truly understood and evaluated /critiqued
1. 들어가며
2. 영상서사의 의미 및 범주
3. 영상서사의 특성과 비판적 읽기
4. 영상서사의 비판적 읽기 방법
5. 나오며