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KCI등재후보 학술저널

화학 기상 증착법을 통한 저온 그래핀 합성 연구 개발 동향

A brief review of low-temperature graphene growth via chemical vapor deposition

DOI : 10.31613/ceramist.2022.25.4.03
  • 40

Graphene, a one-atom-thick crystal of carbon, has attracted tremendous attention for various electrical and energy applications due to its superior physical and chemical properties. Among various graphene synthetic approaches, the CVD method has been considered a promising way to obtain high-quality graphene in large-scale. H owever, to obtain high-quality graphene by a typical CVD process, a high temperature of 1000 ℃ or higher should be required to decompose the hydrocarbon precursors, which is a major obstacle to the commercialization of CVD-graphene. Recently, enormous research has been conducted to grow high-quality graphene at a low temperature using various hydrocarbon precursors and external energy sources. H ere, we briefly review recent research progress in the low-temperature growth of graphene using CVD methods. In addition, we introduce representative electronic applications based on low-temperature CVD-graphene.

1. 서론

2. 일반적인 CVD-그래핀 합성 원리

3. 낮은 활성화 에너지를 갖는 탄화수소를 활용한 CVD-그래핀 합성

4. 저온 CVD-그래핀의 응용 분야

5. 요약 및 논의
