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KCI등재후보 학술저널

수소저장소재 분야 내 스필오버 메커니즘의 타당성

The feasibility of a spillover mechanism in the field of hydrogen storage material

DOI : 10.31613/ceramist.2022.25.4.07
  • 9

Hydrogen storage is required to make a breakthrough to commercializing hydrogen energy; however, the development of hydrogen storage material based on both physisorption and chemisorption faced their limit. To this end, researchers pay attention to applying the spillover mechanism to hydrogen storage, and a lot of research report the positive effect of the introduction of Pt to dissociate hydrogen molecule into porous material on hydrogen storage performance. Moreover, the mechanism of migration and adsorption of dissociated hydrogen from Pt is suggested, which is so-called spillover mechanism. However, some researchers raise doubt about the feasibility of the spillover mechanism in hydrogen storage. In this paper, we verify the effect of the introduction of Pt on hydrogen storage performance and discuss its feasibility.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론
