최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국가연구개발사업 제재처분 제도변화에 대한 고찰 : 신제도주의 관점에서

A Study on the Institutional Change of National R&D Sanctions : From the Perspective of New Institutionalism

DOI : 10.34267/cbstl.2022.13.2.165

The sanctions imposed on national R&D projects are strong administrative measures that can cause researchers to break their research career. Nevertheless, the national R&D sanctions have not been analyzed in depth. Since national R&D sanctions are administrative measures that limit researchers to perform national R&D for a certain period of time, it is important to consider the process of existing institutional changes and the effects of these gradual or radical institutional changes. Therefore, in this study, changes in national R&D sanctions were analyzed from the perspective of new institutionalism, focusing on the 『Framework Act on Science and Technology』, the『Presidential Decree on National R&D Management』, the『National R&D Innovation Act』and subordinate ordinances that are common, applied, and standard in national R&D projects. Gradual institutional changes mainly occur to clarify the ambiguity of the existing institutions, and mainly occur in institutional elements related to procedures and methods. On the other hand, radical institutional changes were the result of external variables such as changes in the external environment, and mainly occurred in institutional factors related to reasons and subjects. Radical institutional changes have the possibility of generating institutional contradictions in the process. In the radical change of the sanctions institution that may infringe on researchers' rights, it is necessary to carefully examine whether there is no internal contradiction in the institution, whether there is room for violation of the principle of proportionality in the process of pursuing equity. As the newly established sanctions institution is changed according to the『National R&D Innovation Act』, the history and context of past institutional changes should be considered.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 신제도주의와 제도변화 : 법령 제·개정

의 관점에서

Ⅲ. 국가연구개발사업 제재제도 변화 : 대표

법령을 중심으로

Ⅳ. 결론 및 시사점
